Learning to Meditate

Silent Meditation is the basis to Contemplation, wellbeing and mental health as understood in the Christian tradition. Being silent and still is counter cultural today and we have to learn how to do this. There are different approaches to meditating. We at Christ Church advocate two approaches. Firstly the John Main approach to using an anchor word or ‘mantra’ throughout, which is often the easier to start with, then the second Centering Prayer as advocated by Thomas Keating. In the section below we offer eight introductory audios recorded by John Main for those starting out or wanting to learn how to meditate or explore the John Main approach to spiritual refreshment.

A Quick Into to the method

  1. Get into a comfortable position in a well supported chair with you lumber in the back of the chair with your arms supported so you can be still without disruption.

  2. Take some deep breaths to focus on your breathing, allow your attention to turn inwards.

  3. Begin to use the anchor word as a focus of your mind and feeling slowly to yourself either aloud or silently. The word is ‘Maranatha’ which means the presence of the ‘divine’ or God. Break this down into the syllables Mar-Ra-Na-Tha and repeat these to yourself slowly in a rhythm, that feels confortable. If you begin to feel anxious or irritated it may be you are trying to say this too fast.

  4. Set a timer for the time you have even if it is only 5 minutes. There are many free timer apps for mobile phones. Check out insight timer free version.

  5. As you say you anchor word, when you have a distracting thought, feeling or sound in your surroundings, acknowledge the distraction, and lay it aside and come back to your anchor word.

  6. At the end of the time you may want to use a closing benediction. This is one we suggest:
    May this silence be a power to open my heart to the vision of the divine, and so to everything, in love and peace, justice and human dignity. May the beauty of the Divine Life fill my heart with joyful hope in this moment and for the rest of this day. Amen

Remember we have group meditation sessions every week. Join us in person on Wednesdays at 6pm for a 20 minute meditation, no previous experience needed.

For forms of meditation combined with contemplative morning prayer join us in person or online on Tuesdays at 7am for a 30 minute meditation, again no previous experience needed.


How to mediate?


Leaving the ego behind


A theology of prayer


The grand poverty of the anchor word or mantra


What the tradition tells us?




Growing in love


The way of silence